Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally Getting There

I am finally getting to the point I don't crave sugar.  I have gone back to having my coffee in the morning with my sugar flavored creamer but I am making it through the day without giving in to cravings.  The cravings are few and far between. I was having a craving yesterday but the food police at TIG talked me out of it.

I am glad they did. I would hate to blow my 2 pound a week weight loss progress I have set in motion.  I have got to start having lighter Monday eating food like I do on the weekend.

I usually don't have sugar except when I am eating at someone's house.  Last weekend it was just half a brownie and some blackberry pie. Not much of either but I have been so good I counted it and still came up with more protein than carbs.

It has been a great few weeks and I have lost two pounds each week becasue of it.  Hope I can keep my trainer with my new car and a vacation coming up.  We will see.

Thank you body for getting adjusted with my mind and not wanting to crave sugar. The less I put in the easier it gets.