Friday, October 8, 2010

Sugar Is Under Control

Well not totally.  The bread and jam are out of the house and the weight is dropping off.  I did pig out on brownies at Judy's celebration of her life. 

After going to the doctor and discovering that one of my sugar test could be elevated and could mean pre-diabetes I have been a very good girl.  I am losing weight too.  I have lost 10 pounds in the past 4 weeks.  Yeah me...

Weight watchers is great.  It allows me to eat what I want to as long as I count the points.  I found out I was eating way to large of portions.  I am also filling in with vegetables like green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, mushrooms and broccoli.

The sugar I get is in apples, pears, sweet potatoes, things that are healthy.

I can visualize myself in the dress I want for the wedding.  Black fitted evening dress.  It is mine and I will only need a larger size because of my chest. Not my belly.

Yea weight watchers and the gym.  I feel so healthy.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Not Willing To Be Diabetic

The doctor said because of diabetes in my family, I have a precursor to diabetes. One of my tests came back borderline.  I am not willing to be a diabetic.  I can control my eating and get down into a size 8 for my sons wedding.  Once I know the place they are having and their color scheme I will go dress shopping.

I am going to do weight watchers, work out at the gym and with my trainer and take care of myself.  I will be in great shape by next February.

Thank you God for taking away my craving or desire to purchase sugar in my home and say no when I am away from home.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Great Job Donya

I have been doing great with the sugar.  I am still putting it in my coffee in the morning but the rest of the day my sugar only comes from fruit.  This week I had banana's and blueberries to go in my protein shake. I did have an apple and will probably do so tonight before they spoil.

I have identified why I want sugar and it is not healthy reasons. It is usually when I am hungry, angry, lonely or tired.  HALT. 

I found myself very hungry and wanted to stop at McDonalds. I thought of a angus burger and a shake.  I went home and had a banana sandwich instead.  I have not lost any weight this week but havn't worked out in two weeks either.  Can't wait until I can start working out again.  That was helping me lose 2 or so pounds a week. Glad I am not gaining any either.

No sugar, no sugar, no sugar.  I truly believe I am on the verge of becoming a diabetic so I am really ready to give up  sugar.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Finally Getting There

I am finally getting to the point I don't crave sugar.  I have gone back to having my coffee in the morning with my sugar flavored creamer but I am making it through the day without giving in to cravings.  The cravings are few and far between. I was having a craving yesterday but the food police at TIG talked me out of it.

I am glad they did. I would hate to blow my 2 pound a week weight loss progress I have set in motion.  I have got to start having lighter Monday eating food like I do on the weekend.

I usually don't have sugar except when I am eating at someone's house.  Last weekend it was just half a brownie and some blackberry pie. Not much of either but I have been so good I counted it and still came up with more protein than carbs.

It has been a great few weeks and I have lost two pounds each week becasue of it.  Hope I can keep my trainer with my new car and a vacation coming up.  We will see.

Thank you body for getting adjusted with my mind and not wanting to crave sugar. The less I put in the easier it gets.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Good Week

As Friday ends this work week my sugar addiction gave me peace. I did have a pop tart, white chocolate macadamia nut cookie and a piece of pound cake throughout the week. This is an improved week for me.

I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and cutting out sugar is one way. I am still drinking coffee in the morning with flavored creamer and I have noticed it makes me crave sugar all morning. I have decided to give up coffee for green tea in the morning.

What I am really trying to get is something warm and something to wake up to. Since I am trying to give up caffeine I will use caffeine free green tea. I will accomplish replacing a warm drink first thing in the morning and getting healthy.

I did not lose any weight this week but am proud of how I ate on a daily basis. I do care about the body you gave me God and I want to take good care of it so I can get down on the floor and play with my grandchildren in a few months when they start sitting up.

I am very grateful for the energy I have in my life and I plan on continuing this throughout my life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

One of my trigger foods is white chocolate macadamia cookies. The office had a lunch and learn the yesterday and Jeff gave me his cookie. Did I eat it? Yes I did. Then someone left one on the break room table. Did I eat it? Yes I did. Needless to say I lost no weight yesterday. I have managed to lose 5 in three weeks but stuck now.

The way I stop myself from eating something that is not good for my weight loss is to say :After I lose this weight I can in moderation eat this. It will still be at the store when I am back to my normal size. I didn't do this yesterday. I just gobbled them up.

What was the problem? I was hungry. I let myself get hungry because I did not go to the grocery store and buy food this week. I had no good snacks.

Lesson learned. Don't go without good snacks or you will eat whatever is available.

Yuk, sugar day. I did notice how it made me crash about an hour. I don't want to eat anything that causes my energy to crash.

Maybe next time I will be able to refuse the weight gaining foods especially sugar.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

No Trigger Foods Today

Yesterday I made it through without eating foods with sugar. I still put a flavored creamer in my coffee but NO TRIGGER FOODS WITH SUGAR. Wow what an awesome feeling.

Did I want sugar, yes... I had to deal with IRS today and I feared working with them. If they wrote you and told you to pay them $12,000 you might fear them too. I put on my big girl pants and marched right in there and listened. I kept my mouth shut except when I needed to speak. It went great. Only took me about an hour and I was home by 2:30. I was able to fill out the forms they needed and get them ready to turn in.

Sugar was not on my mind. As a sugar addict I want sugar when I am happy and sad. This is why there is no sugar in my house except in my fruit and in my creamer.

I have lost 5 pounds in the last two weeks watching my sugar. I so want to keep it up but I need to get a support group started so I am not all alone.

All I can say about today is it was great. I ate healthy and lived a healthy lifestyle.