Friday, May 7, 2010

Good Week

As Friday ends this work week my sugar addiction gave me peace. I did have a pop tart, white chocolate macadamia nut cookie and a piece of pound cake throughout the week. This is an improved week for me.

I am trying to live a healthier lifestyle and cutting out sugar is one way. I am still drinking coffee in the morning with flavored creamer and I have noticed it makes me crave sugar all morning. I have decided to give up coffee for green tea in the morning.

What I am really trying to get is something warm and something to wake up to. Since I am trying to give up caffeine I will use caffeine free green tea. I will accomplish replacing a warm drink first thing in the morning and getting healthy.

I did not lose any weight this week but am proud of how I ate on a daily basis. I do care about the body you gave me God and I want to take good care of it so I can get down on the floor and play with my grandchildren in a few months when they start sitting up.

I am very grateful for the energy I have in my life and I plan on continuing this throughout my life.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies

One of my trigger foods is white chocolate macadamia cookies. The office had a lunch and learn the yesterday and Jeff gave me his cookie. Did I eat it? Yes I did. Then someone left one on the break room table. Did I eat it? Yes I did. Needless to say I lost no weight yesterday. I have managed to lose 5 in three weeks but stuck now.

The way I stop myself from eating something that is not good for my weight loss is to say :After I lose this weight I can in moderation eat this. It will still be at the store when I am back to my normal size. I didn't do this yesterday. I just gobbled them up.

What was the problem? I was hungry. I let myself get hungry because I did not go to the grocery store and buy food this week. I had no good snacks.

Lesson learned. Don't go without good snacks or you will eat whatever is available.

Yuk, sugar day. I did notice how it made me crash about an hour. I don't want to eat anything that causes my energy to crash.

Maybe next time I will be able to refuse the weight gaining foods especially sugar.