Monday, April 26, 2010

Sugarless, Not Yet

I did great this weekend. The only sugar I had was a bite of a cinnamon roll on Saturday and only my protein shake on Sunday. I caught myself thinking about it. Why? I was frustrated with not getting as much done around the house over the weekend. After I thought about it, I did work most of the weekend. I worked last week too and my body was tired. I just sat and watched two movies before going to sleep Saturday.

There it is again. Beating up on myself and the first thing that comes to mind is SUGAR. What can I eat. I did very good. A girlfriend was making a strawberry short cake and I love strawberries. I told her no I was cutting way back on sugar and I had lost 5 pounds and I wanted to keep it up. Yeah Donya, you turned down cake.

It was a good almost sugarless weekend but today was a different story.

Amy brought Easter candy into the office and I stuck my hands in the bag several times. Can't say I was as good today. Why did I do it? I know, I didn't like the snacks I brought to eat for lunch. I didn't get full either. There is the answer, getting to hungry and not having the right snacks on hand.

Well those are things I can fix. Get to the grocery store and buy the things I need for work so I don't give in to candies or vending machine calories.

I now am aware of why I did it so tomorrow will be different.

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